Monday, 17 December 2012

Spotlight: UCAF (Uniting Church Adult Fellowship)

The UCAF, the Uniting Church Adult Fellowship, is a group who meet at the Church on the 4th Tuesday of each month and which is open to anyone who wishes to join.  Before Union, this group in most churches was known as the Ladies Guild.  At the moment our group here at Wangaratta is made up entirely of women, but men are most welcome.

We have a varied program which usually comprises a short business meeting, a time for devotions followed by an interesting activity, afternoon tea and a lot of laughter.

As a group we support many worthwhile causes including making annual donations to the Frontier Services Padre Patrol Ministry in Outback Australia.

We also donate and pack around 40 to 50 shoeboxes of useful new items which are sent all around the world in support of the Children Overseas Christmas Boxes Appeal.

Please come and join us.  You can contact the Church Office for more information (57216555).

- Click here to see the program for 2016.

Betty Whitten

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